Strategic Plan

2021 - 2026

What is strategic planning?

The Gothenburg Public School District is utilizing strategic planning as a mechanism for continuous school improvement.  Strategic planning allows our District to refine our systems, evaluate our critical issues, and positively impact achievement and engagement across Gothenburg Junior/Senior high school and Dudley Elementary.  We invite you to learn more about our strategic planning process.

The Gothenburg Strategic Planning Team has completed the first planning session in order to write our Strategic Plan.  The next step is for action teams to develop their plans. These draft plans will be reviewed again at the second planning session on May 25, 2021.  Following this second planning session, the GPS Board of Education will consider adopting the draft Strategic Plan.


A Reflection of Our Community

Parents, business leaders, teachers, support staff, and administrators met over the course of six months to evaluate how our school can better meet the needs of the community.  This Strategic Planning Team established goals, objectives, beliefs, parameters, and the overall mission statement.  From there, Action Teams - comprised of over 30 school and community members translated the concepts contained in the mission and strategic objectives into action plans.  The teams were charged with creating the action plans describing how the strategy could be translated into daily operations and also a cost-benefit analysis for each plan.  The plans are developed by team members from a variety of perspectives, both inside and outside the school district.  The result is a finalized Strategic Plan that will guide Gothenburg Public Schools for the next five years.

Action Plans support the following strategies:  


Strategy 1: 

We will foster social and emotional well-being of our staff and students.


Strategy 2:

We will expand educational opportunities to allow students to maximize their potential. 


Strategy 3:

We will collaborate with all stakeholders to maximize student growth.

 Mission Statement
(the loftiest aspiration of our school district)

Gothenburg Public Schools is the cornerstone of a proud, passionate, and progressive community where students and staff thrive in a positive and innovative environment. 
We ensure the growth of all individuals by inspiring them to own and maximize their potential