Mrs. Tiller

Margaret Tiller

Margaret Tiller

Title/Position: Biology, Physics,

Anatomy & Physiology, General Science

Email: Maggie Tiller

Mrs. Tiller's Grading Philosophy

Lesson Plans


  • University of Nebraska at Kearney

    • Master of Arts in Education - Curriculum and Instruction

    • Master of Arts in Education - School Principalship 7-12

  • University of Nebraska at Lincoln

    • Bachelor of Science in Education

      • Natural Science Endorsement


Garden City, KS

Activity Sponsor / Coach:

Science Olympiad
Sophomore Class Sponsor
Assistant Junior High Track


Husband: Bret 
Children: Rye & Greer


Reading, watching and playing sports, camping, and listening to music!

Other Information:

Listen to Mustn’ts, child, listen to the Don’ts.
Listen to the Shouldn’ts, the Impossibles, the Won’ts.
Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me.
Anything can happen, child, Anything can be.
– Shel Silverstein