Emily Cornwell

GHS Senior Emily Cornwell is one of 49 students recognized by the Nebraska Department of Education as a Distinguished World Language Scholar during World Language Week 2023.

The World Language Distinguished Scholar Award recognizes Nebraska students for their leadership in language learning, commitment to language study, appreciation for cultural diversity, and communicative competence. Students were nominated by their teachers and submitted a portfolio.

“Learning a world language means strengthening one’s understanding of humans across all backgrounds, ethnicities, and time periods,” said Bellevue West High senior and World Language Distinguished Scholar Nathan Walther. “Learning a world language is an essential skill that is necessary in the diverse world we live in today, because it builds much needed connections between people amidst much divisiveness.”

For more information about World Language Week and the World Language Distinguished Scholar Award visit: https://www.education.ne.gov/worldlanguage/world-language-week/.