Each year, the Central Nebraska Forensics League directors can nominate a director for CNFL Director of the Year. 

From the nominations, the membership votes on their winner. 

The CNFL director of the year dates back to the 1983-1984 school year when Patsy Koch who was the speech and play production coach at Cozad was named the first CNFL director of the year. 

Since that year, a long list of amazing speech coaches have been honored with this award. This year, the recipient was nominated with the following explanation for nomination:

"This coach has done an amazing job creating a fun and educational culture for her speech kids. This shows in their presence at speech meets, districts and state. Her school continues to thrive as one of the premier programs in the state and this is due to the dedication and excellence of their coach. She has shared many of her ideas through NSCTA that have benefited the speech community. It is my pleasure to nominate Kaitlyn Clark for CNFL Director of the Year." 

Kailtyn was voted the 2024 Central Nebraska Forensics League Director of the Year by her coaching peers. 

This is the second time Ms. Clark has been named CNFL Director of the Year.